Endorsed Crediting Programmes
The following Crediting Programmes have successfully passed a third-party audit against the ICROA Endorsement Criteria and may use the ICROA Endorsed Label.

*Both Endorsed Crediting Programmes and Conditionally Endorsed Crediting Programmes are required to proactively inform ICROA of any updates or changes on an annual basis before Q3 of each year, along with the supporting documentation for an official technical review. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from the Code. For more information, please contact the ICROA Secretariat.
**Conditional Endorsement is attributed, for a limited period, to crediting programmes that meet ICROA criteria for Endorsement but have not yet achieved the volume threshold criteria for the number of registered projects (10) and issued credits (100,000). ICROA Approved organisations may use carbon credits from conditionally Endorsed crediting programmes and will be Code compliant. For more details, please contact the ICROA Secretariat.
***CSI has more than one registry; the only one to receive ICROA’s Conditional Endorsement is CSI’s Global C-Sink Registry: https://global-c-registry.org/ — no other CSI registry is ICROA Endorsed
Approved Emissions Factors:
- Australia: Department of the Environment and Energy – National Greenhouse Accounts Factors
- Canada: Environment and Climate Change Canada – National Inventory Report
- European Union: European Environment Agency (EEA) – Emission Factor Database
- Germany: BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment)
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): Emission Factors Database
- Japan: Ministry of the Environment – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data
- Netherlands: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment – National Emission Factors
- New Zealand: Ministry for the Environment – National Emissions Factors
- UK: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) – Current GHG conversion factors
- United States: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Emission Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
ICROA Endorsement
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